Tag Archives: Trader Joes Orchids

Trader Joe’s Orchids

Unidentified Oncidium from Trader Joes

Unidentified Oncidium from Trader Joes

Trader Joe’s is a magical place.  Last week, we bought 1.5lbs of premium coffee bean assortment for $4.99.  Sometimes, there are amazing surprises down the cookie isle. Or the organic coconut oil that I use for just about everything, and it smells great too.  The best kept secret of Trader Joe’s however, is the low-priced and often hard-to-find plants they have.

Unusually colored Oncidium flowers

Unusually colored Oncidium flowers

Today, I made a quick stop to see if the Cymbidium orchids they had a couple weeks ago were still there. Unfortunately, because of the holiday, the plants were quite picked over. I managed to score a no ID intergeneric Oncidium orchid instead. This is the first time I’ve ever seen an Oncidium for sale other than at a plant show. That, and for much cheaper than ordering a smallish plant online.